
Saint-Gobain Performance Ceramics & Refractories have been providing unique and high added value silicon carbide-based solutions for decades, including the first-to-market recrystallized silicon carbide (R-SiC) product. This outstanding ceramic forms the basis of our Crystar® filtration technology.

Crystar® FT is designed for liquid and air purity, security, and sustainability. The demands of filtration have changed dramatically over the years, as a growing global population forces industries to adopt more demanding processing capabilities to satisfy the needs of global sustainability efforts.

Saint-Gobain designs, manufactures and distributes materials and solutions which are key ingredients in the well being of each of us and the future of all. They provide comfort, performance and safety while addressing the challenges of sustainable construction, resource efficiency and climate change.

With Crystar® FT membranes and filters, Saint-Gobain is committed to improving the sustainability of sectors as diverse as water/wastewater, industrial processes & life sciences, and recreational water, with new and innovative products.

We aim to make sustainability a driving force for every liquid filtration and air purification sector. Crystar® FT technology provides microfiltration of leading efficiency, with consistent retention, excellent filtrate quality at high fluxes, and operation with low consumption of energy, water and chemicals.

Oil & Gas Produced Water

Hydrocarbon exploration, including oil and natural gas extraction from the earth’s crust, represents one of the ongoing inconsistencies of mankind’s global sustainability efforts. While environmental discussions of fossil fuels tend to focus on greenhouse gases emissions, the pollution discharged into our precious water sources is yet to come under the spotlight on the scale that it deserves.
Each barrel of produced oil equates to 3–5 barrels of disposed water. Approximately 200-300 million barrels of water are produced daily from both oil and gas fields, and more than 40% of this is discharged into the environment. Unfortunately, the treatment of oil and gas produced water, from the perspective of ethical wastewater disposal or recycling, is largely overlooked by both regulatory agencies and oil & gas producers.

Crystar® filtration is a feasible solution for bridging the gap between essential fossil fuels and the worldwide pivot towards ethical processing – as far as the use of water is concerned. They represent a new horizon for produced water filtration

Efficient and Responsible Liquid Filtration

Conventional oil production processes typically involve:

  • Primary oil separation steps by gravity and hydrocyclones;
  • Secondary separation by flotation techniques;
  • Water polishing by nutshell filters and subsequent cartridges to reduce the oil content to below 30 ppm, which is the maximum oil content accepted by regulations for water disposal in several geographies in the world.
What does water look like at the end of this treatment? The inlaid picture shows a sample of water with “only” 10 ppm of dispersed oil and 20 ppm of suspended solids. It goes without saying that a more efficient water polishing technology, such as the one provided by Crystar® membranes, would be considerably more ethical for produced water disposal.
The inlaid picture shows a sample of water with “only” 10 ppm of dispersed oil and 20 ppm of suspended solids. It goes without saying that a more efficient water polishing technology, such as the one provided by Crystar® membranes, would be considerably more ethical for produced water disposal.

Produced water re-injection in active wells is one of the best options to reduce the environmental impact of oil & gas exploration. Crystar® membranes allow facilities to consistently achieve the required water quality for re-injection in wells without generating risks of clogging or permeability reduction. Thanks to very high permeate fluxes (150 – 300 LMH), the ease of cleaning, and the capability to treat high temperature produced water, Crystar® filtration is a robust and cost-effective technology capable of resolving the challenges of produced water management.


What does water look like at the end of this treatment?

The inlaid picture shows a sample of water with “only” 10 ppm of dispersed oil and 20 ppm of suspended solids. It goes without saying that a more efficient water polishing technology, such as the one provided by Crystar® membranes, would be considerably more ethical for produced water disposal.


Data Sheets (TDS)
Crystar Crossflow FT250 51-121-3

Crystar FT250 51-121-3 offers fine and consistent retention thanks to a 250 nm membrane and a robust carrier geometry with high filtration area.

PDF | 281.91 KB
Crystar Crossflow FT250 51-121-3
Data Sheets (TDS)
Crystar Crossflow FT250 41-61-3

Crystar FT250 41-61-3 offers fine and consistent retention thanks to a 250 nm membrane and a robust carrier geometry with high filtration area.

PDF | 286.26 KB
Crystar Crossflow FT250 41-61-3
Data Sheets (TDS)
Crystar Crossflow FT250 25-61-2

Crystar FT250 25-61-2 offers fine and consistent retention thanks to a 250 nm membrane and a robust carrier geometry with high filtration area.

PDF | 289.95 KB
Crystar Crossflow FT250 25-61-2
Data Sheets (TDS)
Crystar Crossflow FT250 25-31-3

Crystar FT250 25-31-3 offers fine and consistent retention thanks to a 250nm membrane and a carrier geometry which fits most applications.

PDF | 274.26 KB
Crystar Crossflow FT250  25-31-3